Tina Turner Barbie Doll: Release Date, Price, And Buying Guide

Tina Turner Barbie Doll: Release Date, Price, And Buying Guide

Image Credit: Google

By Hari


The American-Swiss singer Tina Turner is the most recent music mogul to have a doll version of herself.

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American multinational toy company Mattel created the Tina Turner Barbie doll.

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As a part of the company's Barbie Signature Music Series, the product was made available on October 13, 2022.

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The doll's attire was modelled after Tina's look from her classic song, 

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What's Love Got To Do With It. Barbie can be seen rocking Tina Turner's iconic hairstyle, 

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a black little dress, a cropped denim jacket, fishnet stockings, and black heels.

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The Tina Turner Barbie Doll will be sold on Amazon and at numerous other stores throughout America.

Image Credit: Google

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